This data is for all of Barry County and only includes Residential Single Family Homes as reported in the SWMRIC System.
From April 1st - June 30th 2010 there were 183 Homes sold at an Average Sale Price of $104,439.
From April 1st - June 30th 2011 there were 161 Homes sold at an Average Sale Price of $119,283.
From April 1st - June 30th 2012 there were 157 Homes sold at an Average Sale Price of $130,080.
* 2012 has turned out to be a great year, and we are seeing signs of a turning point in Market conditions. This data goes to show that overall 2012 is looking to be a much better year than previous.
* Miller Real Estate is very encouraged by this data, and still continues to work with multiple pending deals waiting to close. Although we cannot predict the future market of Real Estate, we can see the overall prices are on the slow but certain steady increase.
* Fewer active listings are the driving force to this increase sale price activity. While there are fewer and fewer discounted listings, buyer have to make the choice and purchase non foreclosure / short sale deals. This is great news for the conventional sellers that are hoping to sell their home. If the homeowner has had a solid Market Analysis completed, and lists the home accordingly, the end result may be a sale.
* There are still many homeowners that are underwater with their current Mortgage. What is also encouraging is the Banks are becoming more willing to help the homeowners in trying to sell the home short of what they owe, before the Real Estate goes into Foreclosure.
* With all the above happening, we feel an overall sense of economic recovery in the Barry County with regards to Real Estate, and we feel the citizens are able to make a more secure choice in finding that perfect home!
If you are looking to purchase Real Estate, Miller Real Estate is ready for you!! Call one of our Agents today to take the next step. If you are looking to Sell, call an Agent for a FREE MARKET ANALYSIS! See what proven results can do for you!